Phoenix Hammerstrom

Phoenix’s first art lesson was given to him by his mother at age six when he came to her with a painting and asked,
“What do you think?” Her response to the young artist, “honey, it isn’t important what I think of your art, nor
what anyone else thinks, it only matters what YOU think of your art.” From that day forward he has been bound
by no rules in his creations, only curiosity and freedom to be authentic regardless of what others think. His
upbringing and unique education have steered him to be very playful and creative with his art forms. His favorite
poem from Hafiz “Come join the courageous who have no choice but to bet their entire world” is how he goes
after life. Spiritual, deep, mysterious, cavalier, eccentric, thought provoking and even provocative at times have
all been words to describe both the art and the artist. His twenties were all about learning and being mentored.
Valuable skills in human relations, religious studies and the basics of business were learned in the school of “hard
knocks”. He has earned his degrees by attending over 10,000 hours of seminars/workshops in these subjects. His
thirties were about self discovery and sifting through everything that he has learned and how to apply it in living a
successful life. His forties have been about diving into his artistic passions and how to apply it in the business of
creative arts.
Phoenix remembers in 2001 when he gave notice to his corporate life to start his own painting business, being
struck by a profound thought. “As I leave the safety of the logic world of making money, I am going to be using
‘My Creativity’ to generate income for the rest of my life!” This very thought both intimidated Phoenix and
excited him! Since that day he has discovered that through his art pieces he has the ability to accomplish twofold…
both a releasing of internal demons and also to inspire and create decadent JOY. Since 2001 he has daily poured
himself into creating through multiple art forms….painting, 3D sculptors, writing, decorating, beautifying
environments both indoors and outdoors and through the world of fashion.
It is a core belief of his to surround him-self in every possible form of beauty. He knows that by creating wherever
he is, he fulfills his divine purpose on this planet. “I do everything possible to saturate my life in beauty and with
beautiful things. I encourage everyone to do the same so they will have the best chance of feeling good on a daily
basis” You will be inspired to wear beautiful clothes, to speak to your community in the kindest words and to be
surrounded by beautiful art. He is known for his concepts “Beautiful art creates a better life” and “Creating an
entire life that is a work of art” are his most powerful mantras to live by.
Phoenix feels the exchange between the art and the audience must be a win- win. It is the spirit of the win-win
that motivates Phoenix Hammerstrom the most to share his gifts with everyone that crosses his path. He is
generous to others in what he creates and if you have ever seen him work and create you will see this man has a
deep taproot into his passions and his brilliance. This is a man ruled by his heart and seems to find deep joy in
giving new birth to both thoughts, and feelings and in recreating things destined for the landfill. His very name
speaks of his desire to create new life and the shedding of old ways and old thinking. If you have ever been in
conversation with him he seems to draw inspiration and unique perspectives, in order to create something new in
someone’s life. He believes in the recycling and reclaiming of many elements. He finds personal joy in repurposing
many of these things into functional pieces, in extravagant art forms, and in relationships with people from all
walks of life.
He has taken his mothers advice and walks to the beat of his own drum. Certainly that is the case in his series of
Koi fish entitled the “Joy of Community”. This is a rich expression of color, patterns, similarities and differences, all
upon deep backgrounds and textures to represent community and the playful nature of individuality.


Featured, Donec Nec Justo, 2015
Winner, Fusce Odio Velit, 2014
Winner, Non Nisl at Mauris, 2014


Scelerisque Management

Phoenix in snow.jpg
Phoenix The Creator
Phoenix standing.jpg
Phoenix Kneeling next to paintings.jpg